The Fun Starts Here!

Go Karts, Batting Cages, Mini Golf, Gem Stone Mining and Arcade

Go- Cart Racing
Single race $12.00 for approximately 10 laps (5 min) on a 1000ft race track. Must be at least 52" tall to drive our carts. Passengers are $5.00 and must be at least 40" tall to ride.

Mini Golf
$9.50 per 18 holes
4 y/o and under FREE
Classic American fun on our Mischief Spinners course. The course is open to all ages and is included with our packages. You can also pay to play in the concession center.
4 y/o and under FREE
Classic American fun on our Mischief Spinners course. The course is open to all ages and is included with our packages. You can also pay to play in the concession center.
Batting Cages
Reservations not required simply show up and purchase tokens. Our cages operate on tokens which are available for purchase at main concession center. 5 Stalls including (Fast, 75mph, Medium 65mph, Slow 45mph baseball and Slow/Fast pitch Softball)

Gem Stone Mining
Gem Stone Mining Rough ranging from $12.00 - $40.00 per mining rough. This popular attraction was a great addition to the Park - - - It's like panning for gold! Water runs from a wooden water tower through a series of troughs called a sluice. Pour bags of mining "rough" into a screen tray and lower your tray into the trough of water. While you sift and shake the tray, watch as the water washes away the dirt and slowly reveals your treasure. And there's a good assortment of treasures in every bag of mining rough!(3oz minimum per bag) Choose from Gem & Mineral bags, Fossil bags and Arrowhead bags. After discovering your gems and minerals, use the identification charts to accurately identify exactly what you have found!! GREAT FUN!!

Arcade Games
Located inside the concessions building with over 20 games all quarter based.
ATM and quarter machine on site.
Free Throw Frenzy Basketball 2 Machines for head to head
Halo Firestorm 2 player
Super Bikes 3 2 Machines for head to head
Crusin Blast 2 Machines for head to head
Fast Gunman shooting
Injustice DC Universe
Batman Driver
Injustice DC Universe
Barber Cut
Multiple Cranes
Lollipop Lane (Chupa Chups)
ATM on site
ATM and quarter machine on site.
Free Throw Frenzy Basketball 2 Machines for head to head
Halo Firestorm 2 player
Super Bikes 3 2 Machines for head to head
Crusin Blast 2 Machines for head to head
Fast Gunman shooting
Injustice DC Universe
Batman Driver
Injustice DC Universe
Barber Cut
Multiple Cranes
Lollipop Lane (Chupa Chups)
ATM on site
*Restrictions Apply - Must be 52" tall to drive go karts and 40" tall to ride